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Emmanuel Welcomes Spiritual and Community Life Program Coordinator

Nov 30, 2021

Elizabeth (Beth Anne) Fisher

Elizabeth (Beth Anne) Fisher will be joining us in December as Emmanuel College's spiritual and community life program coordinator. She will be available to meet by appointment with students about non-academic and/or personal matters. She will also liaise with the Emmanuel College Student Society (ECSS) and coordinate the spiritual practices and community events that Samantha Cavanagh had organized before her maternity leave. 

If you meet Beth Anne in the hallways of Emmanuel in January, please warmly greet her and ask how her trip was to campus!

When asked about working at the College, Beth Anne said, "I'm delighted to be joining the team at Emmanuel in this role! Emmanuel's multifaith context has been profoundly formative for me, and I'm honoured to bring my passion for and experiences in interfaith collaboration and cultivating whole-person thriving to support our student community."

Congratulations, Beth Anne!


Beth Anne Fisher is a PhD candidate in Theology (Emmanuel College) and has an MDiv from Wycliffe College. Over the past seven years, she has been part of a quantitative research project exploring satisfaction and stress for people who work in Christian ministry and out of this research is developing resources to support people in vocational ministry. She is on the leadership team at a Presbyterian Church of Canada church plant and is training to become a spiritual director.

Beth Anne will be leading the Exploring Satisfaction & Stress in Ministry: Personalized Insights to Cultivate Well-Being workshop series starting in January 2022. Visit Emmanuel's Centre for Religion and Its Contexts events page for details and registration.

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